Hypnosis Glossary.

Table of Contents

Hypnosis Glossary: Mastering Hypnosis Terms and Definitions

Overview of the purpose of a hypnosis glossary

Are you looking for a comprehensive guide to the language of hypnosis? A Hypnosis Glossary can provide you with the information you need.  Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hypnotist, this guide will help you understand the hypnotic language and words hypnotists use in their practice. It will also provide insight into the hypnosis common vernacular and words used in hypnosis circles.



During a hypnosis session, an abreaction is an intense emotional reaction, usually caused by the recollection of past pain. It is seen as a purging of repressed material along with its associated feelings. Breuer and Freud initially thought that abreaction experienced under hypnosis would lead to healing catharsis, which is the release of repressed emotion from the unconscious. However, Freud eventually abandoned this concept during the early stages of his development of psychoanalytic theory.

It is not common, so it is essential to understand how to manage these unexpected abreactions. If the abreaction is linked to the therapy being conducted, this provides an opportunity to address some very traumatic material. On the other hand, if it is unrelated, it is important to learn how to quickly deal with it without causing further distress for the subject. An abreaction can sometimes happen unexpectedly while under hypnosis.

ABS Formula

Igor Ledochowski created this formula, which is very effective at inducing hypnosis. It is comprised of three components necessary for the hypnotic process to occur on a subconscious level, which are:

A – Attention: Capture the individual’s concentration

B – Bypass the critical factor: Circumvent the attitude that tends to say “no!” and reject novel concepts

S – Stimulate the unconscious mind: Engage the unconscious mind to carry out the actual transformation work


Positive statements that are intended to alter unconscious beliefs.

Age Progression

The use of imaginary progression to allow the subject to experience the advancing in years to envision one’s future self is known as age progression or time projection.

Age Regression

Guiding a hypnotized person to regress to their past by age, this technique is often used in hypnoanalysis to help with abreaction and catharsis. Age regression can be either based on actual events or imagined scenarios from the individual’s past, usually during childhood.

 WARNING: Only those trained in regression work should do this!

Alpha Brain Wave

The Alpha Brain Wave is a state of the mind where brainwave activity aka neural oscillations slows down to a range of between 7 and 14-hertz cycles per second, during which we experience hypnosis or trance, and which we pass through on the way to and from sleep.  

Frequency bandFrequencyBrain states
Gamma (γ)>35 HzConcentration
Beta (β)12–35 HzAnxiety dominant, active, external attention, relaxed
Alpha (α)8–12 HzVery relaxed, passive attention
Theta (θ)4–8 HzDeeply relaxed, inward focused
Delta (δ)0.5–4 HzSleep

Altered State of Consciousness

Synonymous with alpha brain wave; terminology used to refer to the state of mind we experience during hypnosis, meditation, or any form of trance-like state.


Amnesia aka forgetfulness may be a feature of the hypnotic state for certain individuals. It is sometimes encouraged by suggestion to help with the healing process, some therapists think it is necessary.


Establishing a cue or trigger which, when activated, will evoke certain reactions; this occurs sporadically in life, but can be suggested during hypnosis (see also triggers).


Partial or complete loss of sensation or numbness (compare with analgesia).


Partial or complete loss of feelings of pain also known as pain relief

Apposition of Opposites

A modern term for the juxtaposition of polar opposites, a technique of hypnotic language used to deepen trance and circumvent the ego’s resistance to suggestion. The placing together of contrasting elements, a method of hypnotic speech used to intensify trance and bypass the ego’s reluctance to suggestion. For instance, “As your hand feels lighter and more buoyant and floats higher, the rest of your body may start to feel heavier allowing you to drift deeper, into a trance.”

Associated Regression

The experience of having a flashback, or reliving a past event as if it were happening again in the present, from one’s own point of view.


Also known as self-hypnosis is the practice of hypnotizing oneself.

Automatic Sketches

Automatic Sketches are a form of automatic drawing or hypnopictography, which involves sketching images without any conscious effort. This was once a popular practice among artists, but it has also been used in hypnoanalysis.

Automatic Writing

Automatic Writing also referred to as Hypno Graphology, is the practice of producing words or phrases without conscious thought. This was a popular method among artists and poets in the past, but it has also been used in hypnoanalysis.

Aversion Suggestion

Suggestions that highlight the unfavorable aspects of an activity, such as perceiving smoke to be repugnant and/or causing illness.


Bringing someone out of a trance and into full conscious awareness is one interpretation of the term ‘awakening’, while another interpretation is that it is the act of waking up from sleep, which is distinct from coming out of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a form of sleep, so one does not “awaken from hypnosis”.


Believe or Belief

  • The initial understanding of to believe, or to have a belief is: (a) to not be sure (to not comprehend), and (b) to act and behave as if you did. All beliefs have a varying degree of doubt (uncertainty). If we were certain, we would not “accept” or “believe” we would understand and know for certain, we would be absolutely sure or convinced.

  •  Belief is a notion or concept that an individual allows to be held as true.

Beta Brain Wave

Beta brain wave is the state of mind we are in during most of our waking hours. It is the thinking mode, where we are actively engaged in problem-solving, decision-making, and other cognitive activities. Beta brain waves are associated with alertness, concentration, and active processing of information from the environment. This state of mind can be beneficial for productivity and creativity as it allows us to focus on the tasks at hand and think critically about them.

Frequency bandFrequencyBrain states
Gamma (γ)>35 HzConcentration
Beta (β)12–35 HzAnxiety-dominant, active, external attention, relaxed
Alpha (α)8–12 HzVery relaxed, passive attention
Theta (θ)4–8 HzDeeply relaxed, inward-focused
Delta (δ)0.5–4 HzSleep

Bind of Comparable Alternatives

A contemporary approach of hypnotic speech in which an illusion of choice is created by offering options that are equivalent to the objectives of hypnosis. For instance, “Maybe you will enter into a much deeper trance today, or one that is only slightly more profound than last time.”

Boiler Plates

Igor Ledochowski is credited with the development of the boiler plate concept for use in hypnosis sessions. Boilerplates for hypnosis sessions are a set of steps that a hypnotist goes through at the beginning of a session to ensure the safety of their subject during hypnosis or in cases of abreaction. 

An illustration of a boilerplate includes the “sounds around you” approach. This is advantageous since during hypnosis, there may be external noises that could divert your subject. Therefore, at the start of the session, inform your subject that when or if they hear outside sounds, they will go into a deeper state of hypnosis.

Bypassing The Critical Factor or Faculty 

Bypassing the critical factor or faculty is a way to move a subject from their conscious mind, which tends to reject change and new ideas, into their unconscious mind – which is open to new ideas and change. By bypassing the critical factor or faculty, we can access our subconscious mind and tap into its vast potential. 

The Critical Factor/Faculty can be likened to a “gatekeeper” whose role is to maintain the subject’s current state of being. Therefore, for a subject to accept your suggestions during hypnosis, and then for any change work to take place, bypassing the critical factor is essential. This allows us to make changes in our lives that we may not have been able to make before. It also helps us to become more creative and open-minded when it comes to problem-solving. Bypassing the critical factor or faculty is an effective way to unlock our inner potential and create positive change in our lives.



Catalepsy is a phenomenon that has been used in hypnosis and other forms of trance for centuries. It is characterized by the rigidness of limbs, which can be used as a deepening technique or as a test of trance depth. During catalepsy, the person’s body will become rigid and unable to move, even when instructed to do so. This state can be induced through suggestion or physical manipulation, such as pressing on certain points on the body. The effects of catalepsy can vary from person to person, but it is generally accepted that it can help deepen the trance state and allow for more effective hypnotic work. In addition, it can also be used to assess the level of trance achieved by an individual. While catalepsy is not necessary for successful hypnosis, it can be a useful tool for practitioners who wish to explore deeper levels of trance with their clients.


Achieving a catharsis in a hypnosis session can be a powerful and transformative experience. Catharsis is the process of releasing and resolving emotional tension, which can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. During a hypnosis session, the hypnotist will guide the client into a relaxed state of mind and then use various techniques to help them access their subconscious mind. This allows them to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing them to gain insight into their own behavior and beliefs. Through this process, they can identify any underlying issues that may be causing distress or discomfort in their life. Once these issues are identified, the hypnotist can then work with the client to help them release any negative emotions associated with these issues. This process of catharsis can lead to profound changes in how one views themselves and their life, ultimately leading to greater peace of mind and improved well-being.

See also abreaction.


Achievement of a certain level of proficiency, evidenced by the granting of an official document, following the successful completion of a course or program.


Chevreul’s Pendulum

 Chevreul’s Pendulum is a technique involving the use of a pendulum as a test of suggestibility or as a method of eliciting responses from the unconscious. There are several variations, but essentially the hand controlling the pendulum makes imperceptible movements as a result of dissociation and suggestion. This is known as an ideomotor response, which is when an individual’s unconscious mind responds to suggestions without conscious awareness. The pendulum can be used to answer yes/no questions, or it can be used to identify objects or substances that may be hidden from view. It has been used in many different contexts, including medical diagnosis and paranormal investigations. While some people believe that Chevreul’s Pendulum can provide accurate answers, others remain skeptical about its effectiveness.


When hypnosis is conducted on a person in a formal setting, such as when someone pays for hypnotherapy, the individual is usually referred to as the “client.” One who receives hypnosis from a professional hypnotist and pays a fee for such services.

Client Bill of Rights

A Client Bill of Rights is issued to each customer by qualified professional hypnotists. It outlines the hypnotist’s qualifications, range of services, fees, and contact details. It also guarantees that customers will be provided with services without any form of abuse and includes a clause with contact information for a higher authority in case the customer feels they have been treated unfairly.

Client Confidentiality

The policy of professional hypnotists is to safeguard the confidentiality of clients’ identities, contact information, and other pertinent details, in accordance with HIPAA regulations.

Coma State

The term is used to describe an unusually profound level of trance in which people usually become unaware of everything including the hypnotist’s instructions.


Some modern therapists believe that if a client explicitly expresses either conscious or unconscious dedication to some therapeutic transformation, they will be more likely to adhere to recommendations. For instance, “So if you’re ready to become a non-smoker for good that’s something your unconscious can confirm by signaling ‘yes’ with your finger now.” This is akin to the utilization of pledges and therapeutic agreements.

Compounding Suggestion

This approach is used to enhance the potency of a suggestion, particularly a post-hypnotic one. This method involves giving the individual a suggestion so that they can experience the effects or proposed behavior during or after the session.

Generally, the suggestion is given during the session and the person responds to it straight away, and then it is repeated and they respond to it again right away. The technique of having the customer react to the suggestion multiple times, usually at least three times, strengthens the recommendation given and makes it more dependable.

Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is the alert and active part of your brain also called your “waking” mind, it gives you awareness and cognizance of the things you concentrate on and assists you in making choices.

It is believed that the conscious mind can manage between 5-9 pieces of data at once. Nevertheless, recent studies have demonstrated it may be much more restricted than this, and only be able to process 1 or 2 bits of information depending on their intricacy. It is the “present” mind that makes decisions, and plans, helps you to take action and keeps you secure.


Modern hypnotherapists believe that if a client is presented with uncertain statements or requests, the unconscious, in its need for clarity, will be more susceptible to suggestion.

Many different forms of confusional techniques exist, for example,  “It’s important for your unconscious to remember to forget the things it’s supposed to let your conscious mind remember and that your conscious mind remembers to forget the things that your unconscious mind remembers. And your unconscious mind should forget to remember…” 

Conscious-Unconscious Bind

A restricted selection between changes originating in the unconscious or consciousness; a particularly advantageous type of the ‘bind of comparable alternatives’. “When your conscious mind is ready to provide some useful information about this problem, you will experience a peculiar sensation in your right hand. If such information comes from your unconscious mind, the sensation will be in your left hand.” 

Conversational Hypnosis

Conversational hypnosis is the practice of providing a person’s subconscious mind with subtle instructions to take a certain action during a dialogue. This could be, for instance, using hypnotic hints in conversation to help an acquaintance view an issue from another perspective, thus aiding them in overcoming it. At Igor Ledochowski’s Training Academy, this technique is known as Ethical Conversational Hypnosis.

It is essential to remember that Conversational Hypnosis should only be used in an ethical manner and for the benefit of others. It is not a form of “mind control” and should never be employed to manipulate someone into doing something you want. Consequently, when inducing a hypnotic state in your subject, it is important to ensure that all suggestions made are beneficial and in their best interest.


Typically a subtle experiment employed to prove to a customer that they are in a hypnotic state. Convincers are trials that the hypnotist anticipates the client to succeed in since they have already been tested surreptitiously for a deeper level of hypnosis, or has displayed hypnotic phenomena related to a more profound degree of hypnosis.

Covert Hypnosis

Covert Hypnosis is the practice of communicating with someone’s unconscious mind without them being aware of it. This type of hypnosis is used to create positive changes in a person’s life, such as increased happiness, health, abundance, and confidence. It is accomplished through regular conversations between the hypnotist and the subject.

Covert Testing

Any method employed to evaluate the degree of hypnosis (susggestibility) achieved in a person in which they would be unaware that they are being tested, and thus not cognizant of the outcomes of the test. Secret tests are utilized so that failure of the test does not diminish the assurance level in the customer since decreasing the level of assurance decreases suggestibility.



Any technique, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic stimuli, that is used to intensify a person’s state of trance; this could include colors, numbers, letters, or pauses.


In hypnosis, this refers to achieving a more intense trance state. This process increases the suggestibility of someone who is in hypnosis. We don’t really go further down, we become more open to suggestions when we are “deepened” in the state of hypnosis.

Delta Brain Wave

Delta brain waves are the slowest of all brain wave frequencies, ranging from 0.5 to 4 Hz. They are associated with deep sleep and relaxation, and can be found in adults during dreamless sleep.

Delta waves are also associated with increased production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle.

Delta brain waves can also be used for meditation and healing purposes, as they help to reduce stress and anxiety levels. 

Additionally, delta brain waves have been linked to improved memory recall and enhanced creativity. Research has even suggested that delta brain waves may help to improve overall physical health by reducing inflammation and improving immune system functioning.

All in all, delta brain waves are an important part of our overall well-being and should not be overlooked when it comes to maintaining good health.

Diathesis-Stress Model

The Diathesis-Stress Model, also known as the Diatheses-Stress Hypothesis, suggests that certain physical or mental illnesses are caused by a combination of a genetic susceptibility to a particular illness or disorder and a stressful event or sequence of events, which then leads to the onset and eventual progression of the condition.

Direct Suggestion

A direct suggestion is an instruction given in a straightforward manner (“inhale deeply”). This type of suggestion is distinct from a covert suggestion, which is presented in an indirect or subtle way.


Displacement in hypnosis, usually refers to the relocation of a feeling from one area of the body to another, for example, the transfer of a headache into the pinky finger.

Dissociated Regression

The experience of recalling an event from a detached perspective, as if watching it unfold from the outside as an observer also known as in the third person.


Disassociation in hypnosis is a state of mind where the individual is able to separate themselves from their physical body and environment.  Disassociation can also be used to help individuals overcome trauma or phobias by allowing them to detach from the experience and observe it from a distance. 

Dissociation is frequently seen as a feature of trance states, which involves a temporary disconnection between different parts of the psyche, or components of the body. Common occurrences in trance include sensations of being removed or separated from the physical form, which is then believed to be more susceptible to suggestion, such as in the ideomotor response. According to Hilgard’s model of the ‘hidden observer’, trance is mainly interpreted in terms of dissociation between the ‘observing’ and ‘experiencing ego’.

At times, a detached manner of speaking may be used to refer to body parts as a way of inducing detachment and disassociation as an element of hypnotic language. For example, “Your eyes are becoming weary; in a moment those lids will shut.” (Rather than “your” lids).

Dream Induction

The act of prompting a dream sometimes concerns a particular topic either during the hypnotic state or, through post-hypnotic suggestion, while sleeping.

Drop, Drop Into, or Dropping

Hypnotists often use the terms “Drop,” “Drop Into,” or “Dropping” to signify entering a hypnotic state.

Drug Hypnosis

The use of drugs to bring about a hypnotic state, sometimes referred to as narco analysis, is known as drug hypnosis. This technique was predominantly employed by psychiatrists during World War II to treat those suffering from shell shock.

Dynamic Mental Imagery

Dynamic Mental Imagery (DMI) is a technique akin to guided visualization, but more interactive. The hypnotist takes the individual on an inner voyage to draw out symbols and revelations from the subconscious that can be of assistance.

For instance, the Echo Effect approach involves inquiring what the person is feeling and then repeating back their experience with the same intonation, body language, word order and rhythm. This serves to confirm that what they are going through is genuine.


Ego States

See Parts Work.

Embedded suggestion 

A form of hypnotic language in which a suggestion is concealed within the structure of a sentence or a story which has a different meaning when taken as a whole. E.g., “Yesterday I asked a client to relax straight away…”


The process of returning to full alertness at the end of a hypnosis session.


A state of compassion based on one’s own familiarity with similar or identical circumstances.


The causing of simultaneous synchronous activity; e.g., using Delta level music to help induct a client into hypnotic trance.

Esdaile State

See Hypnotic Coma State.


Having expectations of a certain outcome.


  • Another word for expectancy.

  • This is what a person believes will happen. I believe expectation is very important in helping a client make positive changes in their lives. I tell clients to have great expectations and you will get great results. This is so important in many areas of our lives because……….if you think you can or you think you can not, you are right either way. Winners expect to win. In stage hypnosis, there is the ‘magic of the stage’ in front of the audience and many of them ‘expect’ to be hypnotized when they come up on stage to participate. Expectation is powerful.


Induction involving staring at an object.


False Memories

Incorrectly conducted regression can lead to the creation of false recollections which are mistakenly taken as repressed memories instead of being seen as mere imaginings.


Abbreviation for False Memory Syndrome (FMS) is a term used to describe the phenomenon of having memories that are not based in reality.


Forgiveness is forgiving offenses committed against or by someone.


Fractionation in a hypnosis session is where a client is guided through multiple cycles of hypnosis (taken in and out of trance several times) within a session. This can for some clients create an extremely deep trance state.


Gestalt Hypnosis

Gestalt Hypnosis employs the use of role-playing (frequently utilized for release).

Going First

Going first or leading by example in hypnosis involves the hypnotist entering a trance state before the person being hypnotized, so that they can then imitate and replicate the correct attitude. This is essential since the hypnotist’s verbal and non-verbal communication establishes the emotional atmosphere. By making sure your mindset is what you want your subject to copy, you are creating an ideal setting for hypnosis to occur.

Guided Imagery

Hypnosis with Guided Imagery is a powerful technique that combines the power of suggestion and visualization to help people achieve their goals. It involves the utilization of a blend of suggested visualizations, such as imagining yourself in a peaceful place or picturing yourself achieving your desired outcome



This is a concept and outlook that is exclusive to Igor Ledochowski’s Hypnosis Training Academy. H+ is your wish that your subject has an amazing and successful hypnotic experience.

Prior to engaging with someone in hypnosis, you should have your H+ attitude ready to go. This conveys to your subject on a non-verbal level that remarkable things are about to take place.

Hetero Hypnosis

The utilization of hypnosis by one individual on another. It is debatable whether or not there is such a thing as pure hetero hypnosis, but most experts now agree that hetero hypnosis usually involves some level of self-hypnosis. Any time when one person assists another person in entering into the state of hypnosis. Generally one person is in the role of hypnotist and the other is in the role of recipient, subject, client or patient.


Hyperaesthesia is heightened sensory acuity, which is believed to be a spontaneous feature of trance.


Hypno-analgesia is the utilization of hypnosis to diminish the awareness of pain. Through this technique, the individual can still sense pressure and other physical sensations, but not the pain itself.


Pain relief through hypnosis, it is the utilization of hypnosis to eliminate the awareness of all physical sensations such as discomfort, pressure, heat and cold. Comparable to anesthesia but achieved through hypnotic suggestion. Hypnosis modifies the brain’s reaction to pain signals by altering its limbic system response to pain-inducing neurotransmitters. Contrasting hypno-analgesia which is the removal of the feeling of pain only, and the individual can still sense pressure, etc.


The utilization of hypnosis as a means for psychodynamic therapy. The hypnotic state is mainly used to bring forth material of unconscious importance and to help therapeutic understanding and insight.


HypnoBirthing® is a technique created by Marie Mongan that utilizes hypnosis and self-hypnosis to give expecting mothers a tranquil and natural childbirth experience without the need for drugs.


HypnoCise is a term coined by C. Roy Hunter to refer to the combination of imagery, meditation, self-hypnosis and properly crafted affirmations.


HypnoFast is a  new approach to fasting that uses hypnosis to help people achieve their desired results. 


The initiation of a hypnotic state.

Hypnogogic State

The hypnagogic state is the condition experienced just prior to dozing off in the evening.

Hypno Graphology

Hypno Graphology is a form of automatic writing that combines hypnosis and graphology. It is used to access the subconscious mind and uncover hidden thoughts, feelings, and memories. During a session, the practitioner will use hypnosis to induce a trance-like state in the client. Once in this state, the client will be asked to write down their thoughts on paper without any conscious control or censorship. The practitioner then uses graphology to analyze the handwriting and interpret its meaning. This can help reveal unconscious patterns of behavior, as well as provide insight into the client’s personality and emotional state. Hypno Graphology can be an effective tool for personal growth and self-discovery, as it helps people gain greater understanding of themselves and their motivations.

See also automatic writing. 

Hypnoidal State

The hypnoidal state is a condition that has some similarities to sleep and is akin to a light trance. This can be achieved through informal methods for example the focusing of attention, and highway hypnosis. It leads to a certain degree of dissociation and is characterized by detachment as well as physical and mental relaxation.


Hypnopictography is a unique form of art that involves creating automatic sketches while in hypnosis. It is believed that this type of drawing can help to access the subconscious mind and unlock creative potential. The artist enters into a trance-like state and allows their hand to move freely, creating images without conscious thought or control. This process can be used to explore the depths of the unconscious mind and uncover hidden emotions, memories, and ideas. Hypnopictography has been used by many artists as a way to express themselves in an unconventional way, allowing them to create artwork that is truly unique and personal.

See also automatic sketches.


The incorporation of hypnosis into a psychotherapeutic approach.


The term was coined by James Braid in 1841, derived from the Greek words Hypnos and sleep.

Hypnosis is a trance state, which is directed by an external source.

Hypnosis is the induction of a trance-like state in which suggestibility is heightened. The experience of the altered state can differ significantly depending on the individual and the techniques used. Commonly reported effects to include disorientation in time and space, drowsiness, detachment, deep physical relaxation, and mental tranquility. 

Hypnosis is basically a dialogue with the subconscious rather than the conscious mind. Whenever there is something new to learn, an emotion to be experienced, a routine action to be done, or more data to process than what the conscious mind can manage – the subconscious takes control.

Hypnosis is an alteration in the mental state of the mind, from conscious to unconscious and back again, is something that everyone experiences naturally on a regular basis – though they may not be aware of it. A hypnotist takes advantage of this natural transition for a particular goal, usually to help someone make a beneficial transformation in their life. Even though in Stage Hypnosis, it is generally done for amusement and entertainment purposes – with the subject’s permission, of course.

Hypnosis is when a person is deliberately hypnotized, they become extremely receptive to the hypnotist’s instructions and suggestions. This is because hypnosis can go around the analytical part of the aware mind (the critical faculty) and work straight with the subconscious mind, which is where deeply rooted behaviors and convictions and beliefs are kept. That is why hypnosis is very successful at treating negative opinions and beliefs, anxieties, fears and phobias, as well as helping and enhancing performance.

Hypnosis is a heightened state of receptiveness to suggestions, such that the ideas and suggestions presented are accepted as factual and true and influence the convictions, beliefs,  customs, habits, views, perceptions, actions and behaviors of an individual to varying extents depending on the intensity of hypnosis achieved.

Deeper levels of hypnosis enable the hypnotized individual to experience more intense hypnotic effects such as being able to cause catalepsy through suggestion, and lighter states allowing them to experience amnesia, insensitivity, and illusions. Generally, there are four kinds of hypnosis:

  • Spontaneous hypnosis
  • Hetero hypnosis,
  • Self-hypnosis
  • A waking suggestion that can be likened to the placebo effect



Hypnotherapy is the application of hypnosis in a therapeutic context to assist an individual in overcoming distress, undesirable behaviors and feelings, addictions, phobias and anxieties. It can also be employed for healing and to improve performance abilities, self-worth and confidence, as well as many other things.

A certified hypnotherapist will use trance-inducing techniques to help the subject enter a hypnotic state and access their subconscious. It is in this altered state (before the person returns to their normal, waking consciousness) that transformation occurs.


To be hypnotic means having a captivating effect, often used to describe something that is so captivating that it has the power to draw someone in and make them forget their surroundings.

Hypnotic can be used to describe a person’s voice, music, or even an image. It can also refer to a state of mind where one is so deeply focused on something that they become unaware of their environment.

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnotic techniques to help people overcome mental blocks and achieve goals.

Hypnotic techniques are also used in entertainment, such as stage shows and movies, to create an atmosphere of suspense and mystery.

In general,  to be hypnotic means having the ability to entrance or captivate someone.

Hypnotic Coma State

A Hypnotic Coma State, initially employed by Dr. Esdaile to provide anesthesia before the introduction of chemical anesthetics, is a state of consciousness that is tranquil and pleasant.

In some circles, it is thought that it is not a genuine form of hypnosis since the fundamental characteristic of any level of hypnosis is increased suggestibility. Apart from providing automatic anesthesia and catatonia, this state has no other purpose. Once someone has reached this condition, they are not able to respond or be influenced, thus it is not a genuine form of hypnosis, even though it is commonly seen as such.

This is also known as the Esdaile State.

Hypnotic Suggestion

Any verbal or nonverbal communication, action or stimulus given by oneself, or someone else intended to either bring about a hypnotic state or capitalize on the heightened susceptibility that is hypnosis, such as telling a hypnotized person that they will have more self-assurance, confidence, slim down or quit smoking.

Hypnotic Themes

 A hypnotic theme, or trance theme, is a set of words or phrases that have a calming and entrancing effect. These words are used to help someone enter into a trance-like state. This type of unconscious priming creates an internal suggestion that the person is entering into a trance. Examples of such words include: relax, calm, comfort, focus, drifting, floating, safety and peace – which when repeated in conversation or induction can encourage the person’s subconscious mind to follow these suggestions.

Here’s an example of using hypnotic themes as part of a hypnotic induction.

Every time you inhale, your body can become even more comfortable because you have experienced soothing comfort before, which means that it is so effortless for you to concentrate on my words when you know that serenity and calmness are soothing experiences.

Hypnotic Therapy Techniques

Hypnotic therapy techniques are procedures, processes, and methods employed to discover and modify a person in a trance state’s problems. Examples: 

  • Direct Suggestion
  • Regression To Cause
  • Forgiveness Pyramid
  • Parts Therapy
  • Timeline


A hypnotist is a qualified individual who employs hypnosis to assist people with personal growth and/or for hypnotic purposes, despite some beliefs, they are not required to have a doctorate degree. Someone who leads another person into hypnosis is someone who induces hypnosis on them. In actuality, the hypnotist is merely an instructor or director. One who takes the individual through the process.


Hypermnesia is one of the three varieties of memory that you experience. It is a vivid recollection of an event, something that you have experienced, but it is remembered with precision only, without any feelings attached to it.

It does not include the emotional elements of the second type of memory, a revivification, where you can recall the memory distinctly and relive the emotions associated with it.

It is not the same as reliving and re-experiencing the memory as if you were back in that moment, perceiving, listening to, smelling, sensing, and reacting at the age when the memory occurred – which occurs in the third kind of recollection, a regression.


Ideo-Motor Response (IMR)

Unconscious physical activity and physical movement without conscious control are accomplished through disassociated detachment and suggestion. Generally, this includes causing a finger to twitch or move by implying lightness and levitation. Having the individual answer inquiries through finger motion.

Ideo-Sensory Response (ISR)

The Ideo-Sensory Response (ISR) is the subjective sensation of physical reaction to suggestion, which may or may not be in line with an IMR. Clients with their eyes closed will often state that they felt their finger move a few inches from their lap even though the hypnotist did not observe any movement, or else they will report little to no feeling of motion but open their eyes to find that they have lifted a finger.


Imagery involves conjuring up images in the mind, either through fantasizing or recalling past experiences.

Incorporation of Distractions

The incorporation of distractions is a method by which people are motivated to accept possibly disruptive occurrences as a typical part of the hypnotic procedure. For instance, You will observe noises coming from outside the window, people talking and passing by in the hallway, and perhaps unusual new feelings in the body… and you can permit all these sounds and sensations to drift past you as you sink further and further into a trance, or oblivious, not recognize them at all.

Indirect Suggestion

An Indirect suggestion is a gentle, permissive recommendation, for instance, you can inhale deeply whenever you wish to unwind and relax.


An Induction is a method that guides an individual into a hypnotic state, allowing hypnosis to take place on the subconscious level and bypassing the critical factor. There are various types of inductions, such as the Instant Induction and Dynamic Mental Imagery Induction, which can be chosen depending on what the hypnotist believes will be most effective for the subject.

Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE)

The source of the client’s difficulty was typically a perception that triggered an emotional reaction. The origin of a problem can be traced back to an Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE), which is typically an emotional experience that the client had. This event could have been a perception that caused an emotional reaction, such as being locked in a closet at age three leading to claustrophobia.


 A sudden realization of a link between different ideas leads to the formation of a new concept.


See Initial Sensitizing Event

Instant Induction

An Instant Induction is a kind of induction that relies on the element of surprise or shock. This is due to the fact that an unexpected stimulus to the amygdala in the brain causes the conscious mind to be overwhelmed, thus allowing the unconscious mind to take control. This then creates a brief period where the subject experiences an intense inner concentration, making their subconscious highly receptive to any hypnotic suggestions given by the hypnotist.

Interim Phenomenon

Lindner, a psychoanalyst, coined the phrase “Interim Phenomenon” to explain his theory that when repression is suddenly removed under hypnosis and then forgotten (repressed again), it can modify the psychological defense mechanisms in such a way that unconscious material can be more easily accepted by the conscious mind at its own pace.




Lay Hypnotist

A Lay Hypnotist is someone who has acquired the ability to hypnotize but does not possess the qualifications to be deemed an expert in the discipline of hypnosis and/or hypnotism.

Law of Compounding Effect

The Law of Compounding Effect is a phrase which refers to the layering and strengthening of hypnotic suggestions in the unconscious mind. As the hypnotist, the more suggestions you give someone, the more powerful all prior suggestions become.

For example, you don’t smoke and you’re content. This straightforward advice has more influence than it appears, because the subconscious believes: “I am a satisfied non-smoker.” But then if you add: “You’re an incredible individual,” it reinforces the fact that they are a non-smoker and that they are pleased, and that they’re also an amazing person!

Law of Concentrated Attention

The Law of Concentrated Attention is a concept of suggestion that states that the more focused the mind is on a particular thought, the more probable it is to come true. For instance, Bernheim used to ask his patients to concentrate solely on sleep in an effort to induce a trance-like state.

Law of Reversed Effect

The Law of Reversed Effect is a concept of suggestion that states that when in a particular mental state, the more energy put into achieving an objective, the more likely it is to have the opposite outcome. This idea is employed, for instance, in arm rigidity tests; “the harder you try to bend your arm, the stiffer it will become…”

Law of Dominant Effect

The Law of Dominant Effect states that more intense emotions will overpower weaker ones, and consequently, suggestions associated with powerful feelings will be more successful.


Magic Moments

A Magic Moment transports one away from mundane reality, forming a boundary between ordinary occurrences and extraordinary, unforgettable ones. Examples of such moments in life may include tying the knot, welcoming a newborn into the world, or achieving a career-altering advancement.

In hypnosis, a Magic Moment is deliberately crafted to leave an indelible impression on someone. This “instant” plunges them into a reverie of potential that transports them away from their usual state of awareness so that something extraordinary can occur. In brief, a Magic Moment is an entrancing experience and a blessing to the individual receiving it.


A metaphor is the comparison of a word or phrase to something that it does not literally signify. Metaphors are very common and widely used in language. For instance, you might say: “That guy is a real pain in the neck” The person does not really cause you to have an ache in your neck, it’s just a metaphor comparing someone to the way you feel about them. There are many different kinds of metaphors employed in hypnosis, such as, visual, physical, lifeless, living, familial and narrative.

 A metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing is likened to another by way of comparison, highlighting the shared qualities between them while also adding the unique traits of the substitute.

Mind Bending Language

Mind Bending Language is a specific and particular type of hypnotic language designed to go around the conscious mind and reach the subconscious. If used incorrectly, it can be easily detected by the listener’s brain and cause confusion.

Nevertheless, when employed with grace and subtly, the utilization of basic predicates and conjunctions in combining thoughts in various ways can be meaningful. This is because they prompt the individual to contemplate these ideas as they are joined together in an alternate manner to what is usually expected.

When used skillfully, Mind Bending Language has the power to disrupt a person’s usual pattern of thought and sometimes even challenge it. This is because only the unconscious mind can search for new interpretations of words and bring about transformation.


Monoideism is a technique used to focus one’s attention on a single thought or stimulus, often used as a technique for hypnotic induction. This concept was first introduced by James Braid, an English surgeon and physician who is widely regarded as the father of modern hypnosis. He coined the term monoideism in 1843 to describe the process of focusing one’s attention on a single idea or object. 


Naturally Occurring Hypnosis

Any time a heightened state of receptiveness happens through natural circumstances such as daydreaming. We enter and exit hypnosis all the time. Examples include when you are driving on the highway and suddenly realize that you have missed your exit. We experience hypnosis as we drift off to sleep and when we wake up in the morning. Another example is when we become absorbed in a movie, television show or book and do not hear someone calling our name.  In actuality, everyone has gone through hypnosis at some point.


Attending events and connecting with new people for the purpose of self-promotion is known as networking. It is highly recommended.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a technique of transformation that has its roots in the teachings of Milton Erickson.

Non-Awareness Set

Dr. Milton Erickson, a renowned innovator of hypnosis, developed the Non-Awareness Set as a means to put subjects into a trance without them being aware of it. This setup creates a separation between conscious and unconscious processes, thus allowing unconscious activities to become more prominent while diminishing the attention given to conscious processes.

NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a way of understanding the relationship between the brain (neuro), language (linguistic), and how they influence our behavior and physicality (programming). It is an incredibly powerful tool for transformation as it uses precise words to alter neuro-associations and modify behavior. The ultimate goal is to substitute a person’s emotional programs that are no longer beneficial with more empowering ones.

A clear connection exists between NLP strategies and hypnotic procedures, which is why when they are combined, you can observe remarkable outcomes.


Original Sensitizing Event (OSE)

The Original Sensitizing Event (OSE) is a phrase used to describe the recollections that are repeatedly played out in the mind, which can have an effect on our behavior and/or outlook.

Old Tapes

Old Tapes is a phrase often utilized to depict recollections that are rehashed in the mind in a way that could shape our conduct and/or opinions.

Overt Hypnosis

In contrast to Covert Hypnosis, where the subject is unaware that hypnosis is being employed – for example in a dialogue – Overt Hypnosis is when the person knows they are going to be hypnotized.

Overt Testing

Any method employed to evaluate the degree of hypnosis (suggestibility) achieved in a person who is conscious that they are being tested is known as Overt Testing. Caution should be taken when using overt testing because if the individual knows that they are being assessed, it may have an adverse effect on the state being examined, and if the test is unsuccessful it could reduce their self-belief and suggestibility.


Pacing and Leading

The principle of suggestion known as Pacing and Leading states that ideas are more likely to be accepted if they are preceded by statements that reflect the subject’s current experience. For example, “You can feel your body sinking into the chair and your mind calming down and entering a peaceful trance-like state.”

Part or Parts

A particular trait of an individual’s personality can be singled out and addressed independently from the rest.

Parts Work

Parts Work is an intricate hypnotic approach in which the hypnotist converses with distinct aspects of the psyche, such as the inner child and inner adult – also known as ego states work. CAUTION: This technique should only be employed by those who have been trained in parts work!

Past-Life Regression or Past Life Therapy (PLT) or Past Life Work (PLW) 

Past-Life Regression, Past Life Therapy (PLT), or Past Life Work (PLW) is a journey to the past, a reversion to a real or imagined prior life. The subject is taken back to the events of an earlier life. This could be seen as actual regression (which likely involves accepting reincarnation) or as fantasies projected onto a hypothetical past-life.

PCAT Formula

The PCAT Formula is a highly effective approach for resolving issues, in therapy, during sales and negotiations, and even in personal relationships. It is an incomparable tool for getting to the core of difficulty and essentially eliminating it.

PCAT stands for: 

P: Pinpointing the problem 

C: Circumventing the analytical part the critical faculty of the conscious mind

A: Accessing assets and resources existing within the individual

T: Transforming as a consequence of attaching positive resources to the problem to dissolve it

Post-Hypnotic Interview

Following the hypnosis session, a post-hypnotic interview takes place. During this time, the client can converse about or query aspects of the experience. The hypnotist may also go over certain elements of the session, highlighting and examining noteworthy points for the client. Additionally, they may offer advice on how to move forward.

Post-Hypnotic Suggestion

A Post-Hypnotic Suggestion is an instruction given during hypnosis that will remain in effect after the person has come out of the hypnotic state and returned to their normal, waking consciousness. This suggestion will be acted upon even after the trance has ended.

Power Words

Power words are a phrase used to describe basic conjunctions that link thoughts together to make communication effortless and hypnotic. Our brain absorbs through association and repetition, so when you join concepts, one after the other, while utilizing power words, the ideas become very captivating so they can easily bypass someone’s analytical factor and be accepted by their subconscious mind.

Examples of Power Words include:

  • And or Plus
  • As or Since
  • Because or Due to
  • Imagine or visualize 
  • Which means or this implies
  • Therefore or consequently

Pre-Hypnosis Interview

A pre-hypnosis interview is a conversation between the hypnotist and the person seeking hypnosis, in which the hypnotist gathers information about the issue at hand. This includes:

  1.  What the problem is
  2. When it started
  3. What has been done to try and solve it so far
  4. Any relevant details about current circumstances
  5. Any upcoming events related to the issue.


The Pre-Talk is the discussion and information given to enhance an individual’s capacity to be hypnotized, typically comprising of information intended at dispelling apprehensions, overcome fears and misunderstandings about hypnosis.


Previvification is a term used by 5-PATH™ hypnotists to refer to having a client move into a potential future in order to experience the transformations that occurred during a hypnotherapy age regression session. This previvification is an illusion and feels more real than imagination or visualization to the client. It is an outstanding way to strengthen changes made during the age regression process, foster self-assurance and even practice new abilities or behavior patterns.

Privacy Style

A Privacy Style hypnosis session involves conducting a hypnotic session without the hypnotist asking the client for any particular information or specific details.


A Progression in hypnosis session is the contrary of regression, progression is utilized to permit the customer to envision themselves in the future, either older than they are presently or (once in a while) in a future life.

Pygmalion Effect

The Pygmalion Effect was the label given to the outcome of a captivating psychological occurrence based on research conducted in the 1970s. This study demonstrated that the image and ideas you have about another individual will coordinate the conduct they show when they are close to you. Thus, if you anticipate somebody to be hard to hypnotize, they will be. Even better, if you expect someone to be effortlessly hypnotized, they will be. As your hypnotic abilities improve, you can anticipate for somebody to enter hypnosis quickly, and they will become hypnotized and you didn’t even need to do anything consciously.




Rapport is a connection of mutual trust and understanding between the client and hypnotist creating a sense of ease, allowing for a heightened receptiveness to suggestion.


Ratification is when you, as the hypnotist, confirm, recognize or applaud any indications that hypnosis is taking place, which assists in persuading the subject while reinforcing and intensifying the trance. People new to trance and being hypnotized appreciate the assurance that they are responding appropriately, which helps to boost their self-belief and potential reaction.


A referral is when an existing customer brings in a new customer through word-of-mouth. In states where healthcare regulations apply, it also involves obtaining authorization from a qualified medical practitioner to treat the patient.


Reframing is utilizing the creative mind and imagination to envision an alternate result, a different outcome of a prior occurrence or past event, such as blending Gestalt Hypnosis with regression therapy to promote liberation; also employed in NLP with visualized imagery.


A regression involves traveling back in time during a hypnotic state to recall past occurrences and re-experiencing them in the mind, often with accompanying feelings.

Regression is the psychological reverting to recollections, encounters, opinions, or wishes that are somehow derived from the past. Regression can be to early years (age regression) a previous life (past-life regression) or to an earlier evolutionary stage of the species (atavistic regression).

Regression is the third form of recollection, following hypermnesia and revivification. During a regression, an individual will not only recall the memory vividly and feel the emotions, but they will also regress to the age they were when the memory occurred and relive it as if it was happening at that moment. The present does not exist for them. They are usually able to hear, touch, smell, and observe everything around them during the recollection of a particular experience in very vivid detail. 

This technique is commonly employed in hypnotherapy to assist a person in revisiting and uncovering forgotten experiences that may be causing unresolved emotional distress and restrictive convictions.

For instance, a recollection of being abandoned in a playground as a youngster may have caused the individual to feel neglected. However, through regression, the subject can be aided to remember their parent’s anguished expression before it changed into tears of joy after finding them safe and sound. A memory that they may have overlooked, as the memory of feeling unloved was more prominent. This can help the individual to recognize that the notion of being unloved was not accurate, and thus be able to release this emotional hurt.


Achieving a tranquil mental and physical condition is advantageous, though not essential., to achieve hypnotic trance.


Resistance is a client’s refusal or unwillingness, to obey directions, usually leading to an inability to enter the trance state, or if the trance is attained, a reluctance to accept the transformation. Generally attributed to a lack of connection and rapport.


The capacity to recall a memory vividly and also be able to emotionally relive the experience is known as revivification. This is distinct from hypermnesia, where the memory is sharp but the emotions are not connected. Revivification allows someone to feel the same emotions they did when it happened. The person remains in the present, perceiving and feeling the experience, but does not regress. In a genuine hypnotic age regression session, the client can imagine (hallucinate) re-experiencing a past event. This is not pretending or memory at work but rather a reliving of the event. It can seem very real to the client. This is not an act of imagination or recollection, but rather a re-experiencing of the occurrence. It can appear to be very genuine to the individual.



Self-hypnosis is accessing your subconscious through the practice of a self-induced hypnotic state. Instead of being put into a trance by someone else, you are putting yourself into one. After mastering the art of self-hypnosis, you can gain all the same advantages as those obtained from hypnotherapy.

The most compelling reason to study self-hypnosis is to unlock the boundless possibilities of your subconscious. This way, you can resolve issues, set and accomplish objectives, get new concepts and inventions, enhance abilities – really, anything is possible. Numerous artists, authors, composers, innovators and researchers throughout history have produced their greatest works using self-hypnosis.

It is a self-induced trance state. Anytime, an individual can use methods or instruments to bring about a hypnotic state in themselves, such as through post-hypnotic suggestion or listening to an audio recording designed to induce hypnosis.


A somnambulist is an individual who can be so profoundly hypnotized that they can be instructed to open their eyes and move about without breaking the trance. The term is derived from its resemblance to sleepwalking. Initially, somnambulism was a medical term meaning “strolling while asleep” which has been taken up by the field of hypnotism to refer to a profound state of hypnosis.

Somnambulism is an outdated phrase that originated from the misguided notion of some early hypnotists that hypnosis was a kind of slumber. This idea has been disproven by the profession, yet the term remains in frequent use. At this stage of hypnosis, one is highly suggestible and can experience hallucinations due to the hypnotist’s suggestions.

Somnambulism is the stage of hypnosis that is necessary to generate anesthesia, perform genuine age regression, and is usually accepted as the most suitable level for direct suggestion and Parts Work. Tests for this degree of hypnosis include proposing amnesia, visions, and numbness. Most specialists separate somnambulism into various sub levels such as the Threshold of Somnambulism, Complete  or Full Somnambulism, and Profound Somnambulism (matching Stages 4 through 6, respectively, of the Harry Arons Depth Scale).


See Symptom Producing Event.

Spiritual Hypnosis

Spiritual Hypnosis is the utilization of hypnosis to gain understanding and insight, illumination and enlightenment, or other occurrences in agreement with a customer’s spiritual convictions.


See Subsequent Sensitizing Event.

Stage Hypnosis

Stage Hypnosis is a popular form of hypnosis, used for amusement in a theatrical setting. The hypnotist will invite members of the audience to take part in the show, where they will be put into a trance and asked to do amusing activities. This type of hypnosis is solely for entertainment purposes and is usually done in front of a large crowd.

The demonstrations typically have a humorous quality. It was the stage hypnotist who maintained hypnosis during the period when anesthesia was first discovered. Clinical hypnosis declined and the stage hypnotist kept it in people’s awareness.

Street Hypnosis

Street Hypnosis is comparable to Stage Hypnosis, where hypnosis is employed for amusement purposes. Street hypnosis occurs in the street and other public places, where the hypnotist asks passers-by if they would like to be hypnotized. It is an excellent opportunity for hypnotists to refine their abilities as they have the chance to exercise on numerous people.

Subconscious Mind SCM

The Subconscious Mind SCM is the source of our creativity, feelings, artistic aptitudes (and other talents), and which performs a multitude of tasks without us being aware of it, such as the involuntary operations of our organs, etc. This is our ‘mental processor’. The SCM is constantly active and stores our emotions, habits, recollection, lexicon. It regulates our autonomic nervous system which manages our pulse rate, blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate and much more.

This is the thought process that we access to bring about beneficial transformations. When hypnotized, our conscious minds are circumvented allowing access to the subconscious mind. Once a suggestion is embraced by the subconscious mind, it is implemented.

Subject or Subject of Hypnosis

The individual who is the focus of hypnosis is often referred to as the “subject” in a non-medical context. This could be a volunteer in a stage hypnosis show, or someone you are practising hypnosis on. An alternative term used by many hypnotists is “client”.

Subsequent Sensitizing Event SSE

A Subsequent Sensitizing Event is an occurrence that follows the Initial Sensitizing Event, which amplifies the thoughts, feelings or indications connected with the Initial Sensitizing Event. Generally, there are multiple SSEs.


Suggestibility is a person’s susceptibility to suggestion. It is the capacity of a person to be influenced by ideas, which fluctuates depending on the critical faculty. The higher the susceptibility an individual has, the more powerful the impact that proposed notions will have on that person’s understanding of reality. In extreme levels of suggestibility proposals can significantly alter perceptions including causing forgetfulness, numbness, and both positive and negative illusions.


During hypnosis, a suggestion is an instruction given to the subject to be followed before, during or after the hypnotic state. For instance, while in a trance, the suggestion may be to concentrate solely on the hypnotist’s voice and let it take them further into a trance. An example of a suggestion after the trance could be that when someone feels like smoking again, they remember the unpleasant taste it leaves in their mouth, thus discouraging them from having another cigarette.

Symptom Producing Event (SPE)

This is either an Initial Sensitizing Event or Subsequent Sensitizing Event  that takes place when the difficulty, dilemma or symptom appears in the life of the individual, it is usually the event that either initiates the problem or reinforces it. Causing it to become a current issue in the person’s life.

Systematic Desensitization

Systematic Desensitization is the application of organized mental pictures in an orderly fashion to assist in reducing someone’s fear or dread, anxiety or phobia.



The Task is the assignment for a hypnotized individual is to carry out activities or thoughts with the purpose of effecting transformation, providing understanding, or amusing.

Theta Brain Wave

Theta Brain Wave is the state of mind we experience while dreaming.

Time Distortion

Time Distortion is the expression for a remarkable occurrence where we become oblivious to the amount of time that has elapsed. For example, 5 minutes can appear like 20 minutes or the other way around.

Time Line Hypnosis or Time Line Therapy

Time Line Hypnosis or Time Line Therapy is the combination of NLP and Hypnotic regression used to eliminate negative emotions through subconscious education rather than traditional regression where one relives the incident. It is by recognizing what there is to be gained from the client’s unconscious that leads to the resolution of the unresolved negative emotion. The creators of this model of hypnosis are Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall.


 A trance is a term used to refer to the state of being in which one’s unconscious mind is active and their normal, waking consciousness is bypassed. This can be experienced naturally while doing something mundane, such as washing dishes, or it can be induced deliberately through hypnosis.

A condition of consciousness usually consists of a tranquil physical state and an attentive mental state, both of which are more intense than during ordinary alertness.


t is a condition that lies between wakefulness and sleep, where the individual is in an altered state of consciousness.


Something perceived, heard, experienced, etc., which “sets off or triggers” a reaction, impulse, recollection, or feeling, etc., such as turning the key in the car might “spark or trigger” a smoker to light up a cigarette.


UltraDepth® Procedure

The UltraDepth® Procedure is a special form of hypnosis that involves inducing a deep trance-like state, beginning with somnambulism and then progressing to the Esdaile State (also known as the Hypnotic Coma State). This is not a typical hypnotic state, as it does not increase suggestibility. The UltraDepth® Procedure is credited to Cal Banyan.

Unconscious Mind (UCM) also known as Subconscious Mind.

The Unconscious Mind (UCM), also referred to as the Subconscious Mind, is a powerful part of your psyche that can process vast amounts of data simultaneously. During hypnosis, it is this aspect of the mind that a hypnotist connects with. Additionally, it is responsible for regulating bodily functions such as heart rate, brain activity, and metabolism. It also controls all habitual behaviors, beliefs, and emotions.

The unconscious mind is a wellspring of untapped potential, ideas, and capabilities that you have yet to explore. It is the part of your psyche that can bring about changes in your life. By accessing it, you can modify outdated beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve you, enabling you to look at people and situations from new angles. Moreover, it is the source of creativity, so by tapping into it, you can make your future much brighter than your past.

The area of the brain that oversees involuntary body functions, and controls the physical manifestation of emotions, such as tears when feeling sorrow. This region of the brain is highly responsive to Classical Conditioning, placebo and hypnotic suggestion.


Upgrades are the processes and techniques of integrating and merging a hypnotized individual into an imagined representation of any beneficial, positive state (like self-confidence, acceptance, or inner tranquility) with the aim of permanently boosting the amount and accessibility of such resources.



Waking Suggestion

A suggestion given to someone in a normal state of alertness, without any attempt to induce a trance-like state, is known as Waking Suggestion. This type of suggestion can be given to an individual who is in a natural state of receptiveness, or one that has been heightened by other methods such as when the person giving the suggestions has built up trust and credibility with the other person.

Waking Suggestion is a proposal given when an individual is completely aware (not hypnotized). We are overwhelmed with these suggestions continually. For example, your companion calls you to rave about the supper he had at the new eatery in town. You hear how delectable the food is and before you know it, you are en route to that café! Other models incorporate radio, TV, and billboard publicizing.


In Conclusion: The importance of understanding the language used in hypnosis

Understanding the language used in hypnosis is essential for successful hypnotherapy. A hypnosis glossary, dictionary, lexicon, phrases, and vocabulary are all important tools to help practitioners understand the terminology used in hypnosis.

By having a comprehensive understanding of the language used in hypnosis, practitioners can better communicate with their clients and ensure that they are using the correct words and phrases to induce a hypnotic state.

Additionally, having an understanding of the language used in hypnosis can help practitioners create more effective scripts and tailor them to their individual clients’ needs.

Understanding the language of hypnosis is therefore an invaluable tool for any practitioner looking to provide successful and effective hypnotherapy sessions.