Exploring the Stages of Hypnosis.

Exploring the Stages of Hypnosis:  Step-by-Step Guide to Hypnotizing Someone, A Beginner’s Guide.  

Are you curious about how to hypnotize someone? Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to help people overcome mental blocks, reduce stress, and even improve their physical health. In this article, we will explore the stages of hypnosis and provide a step-by-step guide on how to hypnotize someone. We will cover the basics of hypnosis, including what it is, how it works, and the different stages of hypnosis. We will also discuss some tips for beginners on how to successfully hypnotize someone. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of hypnosis and be able to confidently hypnotize someone with ease.

1. What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis, also known as hypnotism, is a state of focused attention and absorption in which a person becomes open to suggestions.  During a hypnosis session, the subject can experience a sensation of deep relaxation and involuntariness. Hypnotizing someone involves guiding them into this relaxed state and then providing them with positive suggestions. 

2. Benefits of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to help people overcome a variety of issues. 

The benefits of hypnosis include:

  • Improved relaxation, 
  • Increased focus and concentration, 
  • Reduced stress and anxiety, 
  • Improved sleep quality, 
  • Enhanced creativity, 
  • Improved self-confidence, and more. 

Hypnosis can also be used to help people:

  • Break bad habits or addictions, 
  • Reduce pain levels, 
  • Increase motivation and productivity, 
  • Improve relationships.
  • Improve performance in sports and other activities.

Hypnosis is a safe and effective way to make positive changes in your life.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Hypnotizing Someone 

Hypnotizing someone can be an intimating process, but with the right step-by-step guide, it can be done successfully.

First, you must know your outcome and have a clear intention, next be aware of your environment and know how to adapt it to create a comfortable and relaxed environment for the person you are trying to hypnotize. This could include dim lighting, soothing music, and comfortable seating. 

Next, you should create rapport, and explain the process of hypnosis to the person so they understand what is happening. This is known as the Pre-Talk or Pre-Amble. While you are going through the pre-talk you can do some suggestibility testing, these suggestibility tests can be done covertly or overtly.

Before you induce hypnosis make sure you have got permission and have gone through the yes set.

Then, you should use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or guided imagery to help them enter a trance-like state. Or you could use an instant induction. Once you have induced hypnosis the next stage is to deepen the state. Convincers can be used to help deepen the hypnotic trance.

Once they are in this state, you can begin using hypnotic suggestions to help them achieve their desired outcome.

Finally, when the session is over, make sure to bring them out of the trance slowly and gently. With these steps in mind, anyone can learn how to hypnotize someone safely and effectively.

Stage 1: Know Your Outcome, Have A Clear Intention 

When it comes to hypnosis, it is important to know your outcome and have a clear intention. Before you begin the session, ask yourself what do you want from the hypnotic session. What does your client, subject or practice partner want out of the hypnotic session?

There are many reasons why someone might be hypnotized such as for practice, fun, entertainment, emergency, relaxation or even birth. It is important to understand why you are hypnotizing the person and what outcome you are looking for in order to ensure that the session is successful.

Knowing your outcome and having a clear intention will help guide the session and make sure that everyone involved gets what they need out of it.

Stage 2: Ensure The Environment Matches Your Wanted Outcome  

When conducting a hypnosis session, it is important to make sure the environment matches your desired outcome and intention.

Are you at home, in an office, in an emergency situation, at the hospital, on the street, on a stage, or in a course’s breakout room? Each of these locations will have different implications for the success of your hypnosis session.

At home or in an office you may be able to create a more relaxed atmosphere than if you were on the street or on a stage.

In an emergency situation or at the hospital you may need to be more focused and direct with your approach.

In a course’s breakout room, you may need to adjust your approach depending on how much time is available. 

It is important to consider all of these factors when deciding where to conduct your hypnosis session so that it can be successful.

Regardless of where you are conducting the session, there are certain elements that whilst not essential make it easier to hypnotize someone. Elements such as:

A comfortable chair for the client to sit in and you may also want to provide a blanket and pillow for extra comfort.
If you plan on recording the session, make sure to have a video camera and recording device ready. It is also important to find a quiet place with no interruptions.
Dim lighting and soft music can help create a relaxed atmosphere.  
Have your script prepared ahead of time so that you don’t forget any important points during the session.

A microphone can be used if you are speaking to a large group. 

By taking these steps into consideration when setting up your environment for hypnosis sessions, you will be able to ensure that each one is successful and beneficial for all involved.

Stage 3: Establishing Rapport 

Establishing rapport at the beginning of a hypnosis session is essential for creating a safe and comfortable environment for the client. It helps to build trust between the hypnotist and the client, which is necessary for successful hypnosis.

The hypnotist should start by introducing themselves and explaining what will happen during the session. They should also ask questions about the client’s goals and expectations, as well as any concerns they may have. This allows the hypnotist to tailor their approach to best meet the needs of their client.

Additionally, it is important to create a relaxed atmosphere by using calming language and body language, such as making eye contact, smiling, and speaking in a gentle tone.

Establishing rapport at the beginning of a hypnosis session can help ensure that both parties feel comfortable and secure throughout the process.

Stage 4: The Hypnotic Pre-Talk 

The Hypnotic Pre-Talk is an important part of the hypnotic process. It is a conversation between the hypnotist and the client that takes place before the actual hypnosis session begins.

The purpose of this pre-talk is to establish rapport, explain the process of hypnosis, and set expectations for the session. During this conversation, the hypnotist will also ask questions about the client’s goals and objectives for the session.

This helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that they understand what will be happening during the session.

The Hypnotic Pre-Talk is essential in order to create a safe and comfortable environment for both parties, as well as to ensure that everyone involved has a clear understanding of what will take place during the hypnosis session.

Stage 5: Suggestibility Testing 

Suggestibility testing is an important part of a hypnosis session. It can be done in either a covert or overt way.

Covert suggestibility testing involves the hypnotist making subtle suggestions to the client and then observing their reactions.

Overt suggestibility testing is more direct, with the hypnotist asking questions and giving commands to the client to see how they respond. 

It’s important not to call it a test, as this could make the client feel anxious or uncomfortable. Instead, it should be framed as an exploration of how open and responsive they are to suggestions. 

Suggestibility testing helps the hypnotist understand how best to tailor their approach for each individual client, ensuring that they get the most out of their hypnosis session.

Stage 6: Permission and The Yes Set 

Before inducing hypnosis, it is important to obtain permission from the client. This can be done by explaining the process of hypnosis and what will happen during the session. It is also important to ensure that the client is comfortable with being hypnotized and understands the risks involved. Once permission has been obtained, a Yes Set should be used to get the client to say yes three times. This helps to create a positive mindset for the client and allows them to focus on their goals for the session. The Yes Set also helps to build trust between the hypnotist and client, which is essential for successful hypnosis sessions.

A “yes set” is basically a sequence of queries that you can ask your subject that are straightforward enough to be responded to with a “yes”. We suggest getting three in succession.

“Is this your first hypnosis session …”

“We have been talking about …, is that what you would like to work on…”

“And we are about to do some amazing hypnosis, right?”


“Are you ready to be hypnotized?”

“Are you ready to be hypnotized by me?”

“Are you ready to begin?”

These three questions are all quite simple and your subjects should be able to easily answer with a  “yes”.

It is important to remember that the above stages are just an outline of a framework you can use when you are getting started. In reality Stages, 1 – 6 are fluid and dynamic and flow together as you adjust your outcome as the client’s intentions, wants, and needs become clearer. 

Stage 7: How to do a Hypnotic Induction

The hypnotic induction is the process of guiding a person into a hypnotic state. To do this, you need to focus the attention inward and engage the imagination. This can be done by using visualizations, relaxation techniques, or verbal suggestions.

An induction needs to create, elicit, or enhance hypnotic phenomena such as: 

  • Dissociation
  • Body relaxation
  • Mental relaxation and feelings of freedom
  • Eye closure
  • Breathing changes
  • Enhanced ability to visualize
  • Ideomotor movements

To achieve this use a combination of verbal and physical techniques. Start by guiding the client into a relaxed state through deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. Then use visual imagery to help them disconnect from their environment and focus on their inner world. Also, encourage them to close their eyes and focus on the sensations in their body while using positive affirmations to increase feelings of freedom. Finally, use ideomotor movements such as hand levitation or arm catalepsy to further deepen the trance state. By using these techniques together you can create an effective induction that elicits hypnotic phenomena.

It is important to remember that everyone responds differently to hypnosis and it may take some time for the person to enter a trance-like state. You should also be aware that some people may not respond at all and will need additional guidance or support. With patience and practice, you can learn how to do a successful hypnotic induction that will help your subject reach a deeper level of relaxation and openness.

Stage 8: Deepening the Trance State

One of the most effective ways to deepen the trance state and make it more profound is by counting down from 10 to 1.

You can say “As I count down, focus on every breath and imagine yourself going deeper into a relaxed state. Visualize yourself in an elevator or a staircase, slowly descending with each number I say.”

Linking their breathing with the numbers can help to create a stronger connection between their body and mind, allowing them to reach a deeper level of relaxation. 

Stage 9: Convincers

Hypnotic Convincers are employed with the client to give them “proof” they’ve successfully achieved the trance state. Hypnotic Convincers are employed with the client to give them “proof” they’ve successfully achieved the trance state. This is done by having the client focus on a certain task or action that can only be accomplished in a hypnotic state.

For example, one of the most common convincers is having the client lock their eyes closed or make their arm as stiff as a steel bar. They will then be asked to try and open their eyes or bend their arm, but find that they cannot do so.

Another popular convincer is having the client imagine a balloon tied to their arm and when they focus on it, their arm will float up as if it were being lifted by the balloon.

These convincers help to demonstrate to the client that they have indeed entered into a hypnotic trance and can now begin working with the hypnotist

Stage 10: Utilizing Suggestions and Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

In a hypnosis session, utilizing suggestions and post-hypnotic suggestions can be very beneficial. Suggestions are used to help the client achieve their goal. The hypnotist will focus on what the client wants to achieve and give them suggestions that will help them reach that goal. This could include new behaviors or ways of thinking that they can use in their everyday life. A post-hypnotic suggestion is also a great tool for helping clients reach their goals. This type of suggestion connects one thing to a trigger, for example, every time you see a green traffic light you will remember to take deep breaths and relax your body. By using these types of suggestions, the client can create positive changes in their life and reach their goals more easily.

Stage 11: Terminating the Session Reorientation and Aftercare Advice

Terminating the hypnosis session is an important part of the process. It is important to ensure that the client returns all sensations, breathing, alertness, and movement back to normal.

Aftercare advice should be given at this point, such as reminding the client of any positive changes they have made during the session and encouraging them to continue with these changes in their everyday life.

It is also important to remind them that they are in control of their own mind and body and can choose how they respond to situations.

Finally, it is important to thank them for their participation in the session and let them know that you are available if they need further help or support.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the steps for hypnotizing someone involve a lot of preparation and practice.

The first step is to know your outcome and have a clear intention.

Then, make sure the environment matches your wanted outcome and intention. Establishing rapport is also important before you can begin the pre-talk.

Suggestibility testing should be done to ensure that the person is ready for hypnosis.

After gaining permission, you can do a hypnotic induction, then deepen the trance state.

Convincers are used to help with this process as well as utilizing suggestions and post-hypnotic suggestions.

Finally, terminate the session with reorientation and aftercare advice. All of these steps are essential in order to successfully hypnotize someone.