The 8 Steps To Success

Achieving success often seems like a daunting task, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the journey more attainable. The 8 Steps to Success provide a structured approach to help you reach your goals. From becoming aware of the need for change to achieving your dreams, each step is designed to guide you through the process. Additionally, incorporating hypnosis can enhance your efforts by addressing subconscious barriers and reinforcing positive behaviors. Let’s explore these eight steps and how hypnosis can help you succeed.

Precontemplation: Unaware And Uncaring

People who are not considering making changes are in the “pre-contemplative” stage of behavior. They usually do not recognize their habits as being problematic, and they generally view attempts to persuade them as intrusive. This is the “defense” phase. Instead of calling this phase “denial,” it is better to use “avoidance” or “resistance.” If you are trying to avoid thinking about your problem, then you probably are not ready to change your behaviors. Nevertheless, if you are willing to consider the possibility that you may have a behavioral problem, then you are on your way.

Step 1 – Becoming Aware: It All Starts With The Awareness That Change Is Needed

Making permanent changes begins with becoming aware of self-sabotaging patterns, attaching meaning to them, and feeling negative about them. Individuals at this stage are more aware of the personal consequences that result from their unhealthy habits. They spend more time reflecting on the problems caused by those habits and considering the possibilities of making changes. However, they can sometimes be indecisive, weighing the pros and cons of change. Those in the deliberation phase are more open to hearing about the consequences of their actions and are likely to seek out and use educational interventions that help them think about their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Step 2 – Being Inspired By The Success Of Others

Once you have the awareness that change is required, you also need inspiration. Inspiration can come from others who have experienced the change, from stories of others who have managed to survive, or even from quotes from famous figures. During the preparation phase, people have made a commitment to change. They are motivated by statements like, “Something has to be done—this is serious. Change is necessary. How can I go about doing this?” They begin to gather information on what steps to take and look into resources that might help.

Step 3 – Stay Motivated, Stay Positive

Your next step is to align with your motivation (aka your WHY). Your motivation could be either internal or external, but you need to answer the following questions clearly: Why do you want this? Why is it important to you? How will achieving this goal make you feel? What will you be able to do as a result of achieving your goal? Consider the consequences of not changing versus the benefits of making the change.

Step 4 – Planning

Decide how to change and then make a plan. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Planning involves outlining the steps needed to achieve your goal, setting timelines, and identifying resources and support systems.

Step 5 – Taking Action

Follow a consistent action plan and receive feedback. Take consistent action to learn new skills. Moving into action without thinking it through wastes time and energy. Consistent action, coupled with feedback, ensures that you are on the right path.

Step 6 – Analyzing Your Results and Reflecting

Continuing to take action without analyzing the results and changing your behavior wastes time and energy. Evaluate the results of your actions and adjust your plan as needed. Reflect on what worked and what didn’t, and use these insights to improve your strategy.

Step 7 – Adjust Your Actions and Take Action Again

Change what you’re doing if you don’t get the desired results. Keep adjusting and trying new approaches until you achieve your goal. Persistence and flexibility are key.

Step 8 – Achieve Your Dream

Achieving your dream is not just about reaching your goal but doing so with heart and purpose. A spiritual mindset is crucial. According to Abraham Maslow, pondering matters of spirituality is difficult when basic needs are unmet. Ensure that your journey to success includes a balance of material achievements and emotional fulfillment.

How Hypnosis Can Help

Hypnosis can be a powerful tool throughout these steps to success. It helps increase self-awareness, boost motivation, and maintain a positive mindset. Hypnosis can reinforce your commitment to change, enhance your ability to plan and take action, and help you reflect on and adjust your behaviors effectively. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnosis can reduce resistance and avoidance, making it easier to embrace new habits and achieve your dreams.


Success is a journey that involves awareness, inspiration, motivation, planning, action, reflection, and adjustment. By following these eight steps, you can systematically work towards your goals and realize your dreams. Incorporating hypnosis can further enhance your journey by addressing subconscious barriers and reinforcing positive behaviors. Embrace these steps and consider using hypnosis to unlock your full potential and achieve lasting success.