Hypnosis For Fear of Public Speaking

Does hypnosis for fear of public speaking work? In short, YES, I have been using hypnosis for over ten years to help my clients overcome their fear of public speaking anxiety. This article will share with you the seven steps that you can use to overcome public speaking anxiety.

When it comes to public speaking, some people have a real struggle getting up in front of an audience and delivering a speech. This kind of speech is the foundation of every presentation; without it, you simply cannot succeed at work. The good news is that there are ways to help you overcome this fear and start having a positive and powerful impact on your career. 

Do you have a fear of public speaking? Have you ever wondered if hypnosis might help?  As you’ll discover, hypnosis is one of the most powerful tools for overcoming fear and anxiety. The seven strategies below are proven to help anyone overcome the fear of public speaking.

It’s common to be afraid of public speaking; I’ve experienced a dry mouth, a racing heart, sweaty palms, and a blank mind myself, and I am very extroverted and love talking to strangers, but I wasn’t always this way. I had to learn how to conquer my fear. I desired to be a powerful orator. I needed a way to de-stress and speak confidently and use basic tactics and strategies.

I discovered and put into practice the following four steps once I had learned to unwind (more on that later)

  1. Boost your audience’s confidence by demonstrating that you are both knowledgeable and human.
  2. Be exciting and pertinent to capture their attention. Explain to them why what you are saying is important to them.
  3. Encourage them by presenting them with fresh knowledge and valuable viewpoints.
  4. End on a high point by telling a story encapsulating your main point.

How do you develop the confidence to use the four steps?

Here are some helpful pointers, some of which have to do with how you perceive your public speaking and how you can begin to alter that perception.

Public Speaking Tip #1: 7-11 Breathing

Before you step foot on stage, breathe. You’re in charge of your mental health, starting with your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  This simple act will help you stay calm and focused. The key to proper breathing is to take slow deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Hyperventilation and anxiety are made worse by inhaling without exhaling. Just before you speak, spend five minutes counting your breaths in at seven and out at eleven (slowly, not in seconds!). Take a second to hold your breath after exhaling before breathing in again. The result will be an immediate and enduring calm. Do not forget that breathing out longer calms you.

Breathing helps control your heart rate and blood pressure, which are both essential for successful public speaking. 7-11 Breathing also helps you feel calm before speaking. When we are nervous about speaking, our bodies tend to tense up. This can make it hard to concentrate on what we’re saying and causes us to become short of breath. Speaking to a large crowd or a large audience requires focus. If you are having trouble concentrating, it may be time to take a break.

REMEMBER 7-11 Breathing: Take deep breaths to relax. People sigh when they are stressed because breathing out makes you feel relaxed.

Public Speaking Tip #2: It’s A Two Way Interaction 

As the presenter, you have obligations, but you don’t shoulder all of them. Teams work together to present. It is up to the audience to be courteous, pay attention, and make an effort to understand. There are two sides to it; it’s not just you. What they think of you is irrelevant. 

What they think about their own experience is what counts. When you are speaking, be aware that there are people who are going to watch you. They want to see your presentation. You can only be as good as the audience allows you to be. I’ve seen many presentations where the speaker is a great presenter, but he or she is not very good at dealing with the audience. When you do have an audience, you need to know how to talk to them. The presenter needs to take time to listen to their questions and answer them.

REMEMBER: Stop and ask if there are any questions (if you can). People don’t care what you know; they want to know that you care.

Public Speaking Tip #3: Use Stories and Metaphors.

Storytelling isn’t just for storytellers. It’s a powerful tool for public speakers. Storytelling and metaphors help us connect to our audience by relating to them on a human level. They also give your audience something to hold onto so they don’t forget who you are and what you have to say.

Storytelling can be a powerful tool for helping your audience understand a point, concept, or piece of information you want them to learn. It can also be an effective tool for demonstrating the value of your product.

Stories, metaphors, analogies, and visualizations are great ways to connect with audiences and get them to feel a strong empathy for your message. And that’s precisely what we need to make our point in public speaking. Using stories and metaphors is one of the most effective ways to get people to understand your message and to get them to care.

Use analogies and narratives. All of us have metaphorical experiences with life. Talk in detail, if necessary, but present patterns with metaphors, for even the most technical, logical person spends at least two hours a night dreaming. They give you a framework within which you can organize and structure your thoughts and ideas and easily make more significant points. 

REMEMBER No matter if your audience is 4 or 104 people’s love stories. Apply them.

Public Speaking Tip #4: Evoke All The Senses

To help you get into the flow of your message, there’s nothing better than using the senses to move people along. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing are all sensory experiences that can influence your audience’s perception and response to your message. Use these techniques in your presentation to increase the likelihood of your audience feeling motivated to act.

Whether you’re speaking at a public event, meeting, or party, make sure your audience understands your message through the use of all five of their senses. They’ll remember your message better if it is delivered in a way that makes them see, hear, touch, taste, or smell what you’re saying. So, for example, if you’re speaking at a significant event, consider using visuals, props, sounds, and smells to help capture your audience’s attention.

Use words that appeal to all the senses to draw in the audience. Indicate the appearance, sound, feel smell, and flavor of things. With your words, create images and sensations in their minds.

REMEMBER: Use sensory words

Public Speaking Tip #5: Vary Your Voice, Tone, and Speed.

A powerful tool that speakers should employ is the ability to vary the voice, tone, and speed of their delivery. It’s not a good idea to speak all at once in a monotone manner. This will put your audience to sleep and make them tune you out. They’ll also not be able to follow your delivery. Speak slower and speak more slowly at different points in your presentation. Change your tone to suit the point you’re making.

Generally, you don’t want to speak too slowly or fast. You want your audience to be able to take in everything you’re saying. However, you do need to vary your pace, pitch, and voice depending on your audience and subject matter. For example, if you’re speaking to a group of people who are very young, your pace may be much slower than if you were speaking to a group of older people. Also, the tone of your voice can vary to suit the audience.

Change the tone and cadence of your delivery. Keep them attentive and involved. When it’s necessary, convey energy; slow down when you need to draw people in. The leader of their orchestra is you. Incorporate humor into your speech as well. Your willingness to laugh shows that you have confidence in yourself, and confidence spreads.

REMEMBER Variety is the spice of life.

Public Speaking Tip #6: Get, Getting, Got

To begin, think of what you want to accomplish, then tell your audience what they will get by listening to you. 

As soon as you start speaking, you need to tell them what they are going to get. People who understand the benefits of your presentation will find it easier to engage in a constructive manner, as well as listen to you and follow through. It is essential to present your ideas in such a way that it’s easy for your audience to understand and follow. They will see you as a teacher, but a very good teacher.

Then tell them what they are currently getting and why what you’ve got is better.

REMEMBER: Tell them what they will receive, what they are already receiving, and what they will receive in the future. Sell your schtick!

Public Speaking Tip #7: Watch, Model, and Rehearse.

Whether you’re speaking to a group, a few people, or even a single individual, your first step is to take note of what successful speakers do. To improve your presentation, watch, imitate others, model them, and rehearse your message. You’ll be able to improve your speech in various ways, whether through practicing a different delivery style or learning new content.

Watching and imitating others are excellent ways to learn how to deliver a speech. For instance, watch a TED talk and watch your favorite speakers in action, such as Daniel H. Pink or Brian Tracy. Find someone who speaks well and then emulate the speech. Practice delivering the speech yourself. Try using a mirror and record your voice, then play the recording back to see if it sounds the same as the original speaker’s. Ensure your pitch, speed, volume, and tone match the model you’re imitating.

Observe and absorb the best speakers around until you can speak with authority and ease.

Practice being positive. In addition to practicing what you will say, you should also practice how you will feel. Avoid thinking about your upcoming presentation while you’re anxious because doing so automatically links fear with public speaking. Speaking nervously frequently causes this natural negative self-hypnosis.

Practice giving your speech under hypnosis while you’re at ease. Your mind receives the proper blueprint as a result. The more times you do this, the harder it is to feel anxious.

Excellent self-hypnotic rehearsal is a skill shared by all great speakers. Hypnosis alters perspectives and has the power to control emotions. I used hypnosis to overcome my natural aversion to public speaking.

In conclusion, hypnosis for public speaking anxiety has a lot of potential for you to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself. 

If you’re struggling with fear of public speaking, it may be time to consider hypnosis. It is effective for many different issues, including phobias and anxiety.

 I used hypnosis to overcome the fear of public speaking, and now, If there are 50 or 500 people, I no longer get anxious. The world requires excellent communicators. Act now!

I would love to help you find success in public speaking. Check out Overcome Public Speaking Fear With Hypnosis.